EDTA 2Na/4Na

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1. Ethylidenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt; EDTA4Na, EDTA TETRASODIUM SALT (TRILON B)
2. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt, EDTA2Na
Appearance: white powder

EDTA 2Na/4Na: Areas of use:
for washing heat and power equipment, pipes, boilers;
water treatment in boilers and heating systems;
in the production of household chemicals and synthetic detergents;
in restoration to remove traces of corrosion from bronze and other non-ferrous metals;
in the production of medicines and in case of poisoning with heavy metals;
in analytical chemistry;
in the form of a stabilizer in polymerization processes;
in the pulp and paper industry;
in the production of rubber;

EDTA 2Na/4Na, Properties:
Sodium EDTA salts form strong complexes with heavy metal cations, thereby removing them from the “aqueous environment”, preventing the deposition of metals.

It has also been noted that EDTA salts improve the foaming and cleansing properties of cosmetic products. By deactivating metal ions, it prevents spoilage, preserves the transparency of products and protects them from rancidity.

The choice of salt is determined by the pH level of your product. EDTA tetrasodium salt is recommended for alkaline products such as handmade soaps (and can also be used in creams, lotions, detergents).



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