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Standard name in pharmacopeia: Methylparaben
Chemical name: 4- methyl hydroxybenzoate
CAS No:[99-76-3]
Molecular formula: C8H8O3
Molecular weight: 152.15
Related Product: Proylparaben, Ethylparaben

Physicochemical properties: White or off-white crystals or crystalline powder.Easily soluble in methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol or diethyl ether, soluble in hot water and slightly soluble in water; The melting point (General Rule 0612) is 125-128℃. Stability: Stable. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases.

Application: Methylparaben has been widely used as antimicrobial preservatives in cosmetics, foods and pharmaceutical preparations. It can be used alone or cooperatively with other hydroxybenzoate and antimicrobial preservatives. Methylparaben is the most common antimicrobial preservative for cosmetics. It is active within aa very wide pH range and has broad-spectrum antibacterial property, though it has the best effect on yeast and mould.



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